Acupuncture is part of an ancient and sophisticated form of medical treatment which originated in China but has increasingly spread throughout the world.
It involves the insertion of extremely fine, pre-sterilised, stainless steel needles at pre-determined points on the body surface to restore internal health.
In the hands of a fully qualified professional practitioner then use of acupuncture is entirely safe and free of any harmful side-effects. It has stood the test of time over several thousands of years and has not been found wanting.
Acupuncture can be used alone or combined with other forms of Traditional Chinese medicine commonly referred to as TCM.
The treatment of acupuncture on the body consists of a wide variety of illnesses, some of the most common include;
- Sports Injuries
- Skin Complaints
- Male & Female problems
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Lung Problems
Practitioner Noel Amond
LIC.TCM in Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture licenette since 2005